Pharmamedical Moon

Situated in the vibrant center of Agrigento, the “MOON” showroom, nestled within PHARMAMEDICAL, has experienced a profound transformation. The primary goal was to redesign and enhance its interiors. The redesign was inspired by a unique concept: to craft a space that emphasizes the well-being of both the staff and visitors.

A significant change was the reimagining of the pathways. Each section and nook has been restructured to promote a seamless and intuitive journey, reducing overcrowding and amplifying the overall browsing experience. This revamped arrangement not only simplifies visitor exploration but also offers staff a streamlined and efficient environment.

Illumination played a crucial role in the redesign. Transitioning from outdated lighting to contemporary, energy-saving fixtures, the showroom now radiates with a bright, even glow. This illumination not only showcases the rest products, like orthopedic mattresses and pillows, in their best light but also fosters a cozy and welcoming atmosphere, essential for an unparalleled visitor experience.

Furthermore, the essence of comfort has been redefined. Premium materials, user-friendly furniture, and soundproofing solutions have been employed to guarantee that every moment in the showroom is delightful. Whether it’s a customer in search of the perfect pillow or an employee assisting them, every facet has been adjusted for maximum comfort.

To encapsulate, the “MOON RIPOSO DA SOGNO” showroom has evolved into a contemporary and efficient sanctuary, where customer care and employee well-being are paramount. The experiential design and marketing approach ensure that it stands out as a unique destination in Agrigento.